Name : Magnus Stone Aliases : Link, Rinku
Age : 52
Height : Manly Weight : Manly
Hair Color : Blonde Eye Color : Brown
Species : Elf
Occupation : Hero of Hyrule
Family : Queen Zelda (Wife, Separated) Kids, various, all grown up.
Fighting Style : Varies, Master sword, bow and arrow, boomerang, grappling hook, etc.
Restrictions :
Likes : Women, Manly things
Dislikes :
Motivation : Magnus is a hero type, he likes to protect people, champion them, and generally flirt with them in his manly way.
Quote: ::Grunt::
General: Ever wonder what happens to the incarnations of Link? Considering much of the fairy tale happy endings, Link would get married, be crowned king, but always wonder what else was out there. Taking back his original manly name, he struck it out in the world after bidding his wife goodbye as well as all the courtly stuff he hated as a King as his wife wished him well during his mid-life crisis. Of course, ending up in Epitome City is just another start for this grizzled hero of time.
PL: 10 (Current Version)
Shifts: Def 5, Tough 15, Atk 12, Power 8
Abilities (32): STR: 14/20 [34] (+5/[+12]) DEX: 12 (+1) CON: 30 (+10) INT: 12 (+1) WIS: 12 (+1) CHA: 12 (+1)
Skills (15): , Notice [1d20+15] 14,
Feats (22): Attack Flurry 3 (Swords, -2 hit, Every 2 exceeding def = +1 dmg, up to +5 max, no PL cap), Defensive Attack (-5 dmg, +5 def), Luck 5, Minion 4 (Navi, fanatical), Power Attack (-5 atk, +5 dmg), Quick Draw 2, Diehard, Equipment 6
Powers (81):
24 pp **//"Arsenal" Device 8 Easy to Lose (11 pp on feats) - Restricted 2 "Hero of Time", Indestructible 20 pp to spend on. 30 pp to spend on….
Dynamic: Supermovement, 1 pp/rank
Dynamic: Strike, 1 pp/rank
Dynamic: Blast, 2 pp/rank
Dynamic: Deflect, 2 pp/rank
Common load outs:
Master Sword: Strike 6 (Power Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Improved Critical, Mighty, Alternate Powers: Blast 4 [Power Feat: Affects Insubstantial 2], Deflect 9 (energy attacks), Strike 6 [Extra: Area- Burst, Flaw: Action- full-round, Power Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Improved Critical, Mighty]), Restricted 2 (Hero of Time only); 15pp total
1 pp Supersense 1 Danger sense
8 pp Growth 4 ( 3pp/rank, -1 Permanent) (Large, +4 grapple, -4 stealth, -1 hit/def, +2 intimidate, 8 ft height, 500 lbs, 10' space/reach, +5 str carrying capacity). (Power feats: Innate)
39 pp Tunic + Tights + Gloves Device 10 Hard to Lose, -1 Full Round action to put on, Indestructible, Restricted 2 Hero of Time 50 pp to spend on…
Dynamic: Immunity 10 (5 pp) Perception Powers (-1 limited, uses attack rolls for powers instead of auto hit or Immunity 5 (5 pp) Cold, Heat, Pressure,
Dynamic: Enhanced Strength 6 (12 pp) Enhanced Saves Will 6 Ref 8 (14 pp) Feats (16 pp): Benefit (Status - Hero of Time), Dodge Focus 4, Evasion, Improved Aim, Improved Critical (sword), Move by Attack, Follow up attack 5 (if able to follow after KB, then target makes another toughness save equal to half the power's save dc, or ranks in this feat, whichever is lower), Takedown Attack, Withstand Damage (-5 def, +5 toughness), Precise Shot
Dynamic: Leaping 2, 1 pp/rank
Maybe used for: +20 str
Combat (24+2): Attack +12, Defense 15 = +13 (1 base +4 feat) Init [1d20+2]
Grapple [1d20+26] (base attack + str + size modifier)
Saves (0): Toughness [1d20+10+5] Fortitude [1d20+10] Reflex [1d20+1+8] Will [1d20+1+6]
Equipment: Platemail (Equivalent) [5 ep, 5 toughness], Cellphone [1ep], Hylian Shield [11 ep, +3 dodge, +4 deflect, fast/slow projectiles), Bow and Arrow [9 ep, 40 ft, +3 dmg + Mighty, 19-20 crit] Sword [5 ep, +3 dmg, 18-20 crit] (crits include feats)
Drawbacks (4):
Cost: Abilities 32 + Skills 7 (28 Ranks) + Feats 22 + Powers 48 + Combat 24 + Saves 0 – Drawbacks 4 = 155 pp
Power Level: 2 (30pp)
Abilities: STR: 1 (-4) DEX: 10 CON: 2 (-4) INT: 10 (+0) WIS: 12 (+1) CHA: 10 (+0)
Skills: Knowledge (history) 4 (+4), Knowledge (monsters) 4 (+4), Notice 4 (+5)
Feats: Attack Specialization 2 (unarmed), Dodge Focus 4, Hide in Plain Sight, Teamwork 3
Powers: Communication 2 (read and understand any language; 4pp), Flight 1 (Extra: Continuous, Flaw: Permanent; 2pp), Shrinking 12 (Extra: Continuous, Flaw: Permanent, Power Feat: Innate; 13pp), Super-Sense 3 (Communication Link [Link], Detect Magic, Low-Light Vision; 3pp)
Attack +8 (-4 punch), Defense 18 (+4 flat-footed), Grapple -16, Initiative +0
Saves: Toughness -4, Fortitude -4, Reflex +1, Will +1
Abilities -6 + Skills 3 (12 Ranks) + Feats 10 + Powers 22 + Combat 0 + Saves 1 = 30 / 30